
Code a la greek

Code a la greek is a YouTube channel where we discuss topics about front-end development, the languages and tools needed to create whatever we want on the web.

The creation of the Code a la Greek channel has been a long-standing desire as there is not enough content in the Greek language about front-end development.

Panagiotis Panagiotakopoulos

Hello! I'm Panagiotis, the author and creator of the Code a la greek, both the website and the YouTube channel. I am currently working in the automobile industry and few years ago I got involved with Web-Development.


In September 2017, I joined Codecademy and started studying Web-Development.
In May 2021, I joined Frontend Mentor, a site where you can improve your front-end coding skills by solving real-world HTML, CSS and JavaScript challenges.

I've taken a full-stack course on web development. It goes through from the basics to advanced front-end development and continues with back-end web development like servers, databases, SQL, and APIs.

I've also taken a course dedicated to front-end web development. This course explores advanced web development tools such as working with the React framework, advanced JavaScript, testing tools, algorithms, and more.

Work experience

Up until today, my experience in coding comes from working on my own projects, on projects/tasks during my courses on Codecademy, and from front-end challenges at frontendmentor.io.

Since 2021 I started working on real projects, putting my knowledge into action. Participating in other people's projects has given me valuable experience.